Saturday, July 4, 2009


The amount of food that Pomeranian eats and the number of times per day that Pomeranian is fed changes as it matures. As a puppy, it should be fed small portions frequently. While it is young, the puppy’s activity level is high and you will want to be sure that it is eating enough to develop properly and steadily gain weight. Basically, a Pomeranian should be fed four times a day until it reaches three months of age. Between the ages of three to six months, give the puppy three meals a day, the portions being slightly larger than before. After six months, there should be two meals a day; and at one year of age, there should be only one meal. You could also feed your dog some dry biscuits in the morning and evening if it is having only one meal per day.

Once the Pomeranian becomes an adult, it’s important to keep in mind that it does not need to be given as much food; obesity can be a problem if not monitored closely. When your Pomeranian is a year old, you may decide to feed it in the evenings when your family has its meal. The Pomeranian’s meal can also be divided into two smaller portions, one given in the morning and one at night. Never over-feed your dog; since it will not turn down food, it’s up to you to monitor its eating habits and provide a reasonable amount. Remember to keep a bowl of fresh clean water near your dog’s food bowl at all times.

Pomeranian - Dog Lover

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